The original Wampum Trading Post was located in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho.

It operated there for decades.

In 1976 Arthur C. Evans, retired architect, opened the second Wampum Trading Post in San Simeon, California, in the shadow of the Hearst Castle.

Arthur had designed and built the Hearst newspaper plant in Riverside, California, and, therefore, had some professional acquaintance with the Hearst family.

Arthur specialized in locating and obtaining authentic American Indian arts and crafts, which he brought to San Simeon, directly from a number of reservations throughout the Southwestern United States.

The store was very popular with tourists who had come from all over the world in order to see the Hearst Castle properties, and surrounding areas.

Arthur retired and sold the ongoing business to a longtime friend of the family, whom he had known during his years in Riverside (Nancy Petroff).

After 25 years, and having turned 85 years old, Nancy was forced to retire due to medical conditions.

Since that time the Evans family has taken the business over once again.

The family continues to build upon Art's principles and ideas when it comes to trading in highest quality American Indian artifacts, artworks, and crafts.

Now trading arts and crafts of North American, Central American, and South American indigenous peoples, as well.

Always searching for unique and exotic gifts for our customers.